Your growth ceiling is “the influencer” which means you have a great deal of influence in your business (or the one you work in), you’ve earned your stripes and you’re a born leader.
Leaders like you love to grow. You have learnt to be a leader by educating yourself and by testing and learning. You connect with John Quincy Adams “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
All great leaders have a greater sense of self, clarity of purpose and crystal-clear vision. You have to have the willingness to speak about what’s really important to you, even if the outside world disagrees. It involves taking the risk of being different for the sake of being real: an original instead of a copy.
One of the toughest growth stages as a leader is to show your vulnerabilities or your hidden self. It’s your hidden struggles that create a growth ceiling on yourself. Plus, you’ve bene successful in your business, and maybe you’re looking for “what’s next?” and you’re scared of failure (or loosing all that you’ve built with a wrong decision).
It takes courage to step into a new venture amid the fear. It takes courage to share your dark side, to say I messed up or I have a colourful past, to show up real and it’s okay if you do too. You can only rise to the degree you are willing to work through your struggles.
It sounds scary, but it is also liberating too.
As a leader, the more you hide or repress parts of yourself, the greater split you feel between your public and private personas.
This creates an internal conflict within you between who you are on the inside verse who you portray on the outside (like you have a wall or facade around the true you).
When you hold back from showing your struggles it indicates you’re still judging yourself for it, and haven’t fully owned or embraced it within you.
Show your true self by uncovering your feelings, ambitions, dreams, opinions or past choices which you withheld from sharing out of fear of negative reaction.
Some questions you might ask are; What are you hiding from the world that you know if you cleared would help you level up as a leader? (past clients have said they’ve been hiding their impatience, their aggression, their sexual past as examples.)
The purpose is to dissolve and resolve the judgement so that you can then choose not to share because it is the wisest for the business, not out of fear of judgement. And when you do share, it serves a purpose for someone to know.
Do the work then implies asking quality questions to resolve the emotion around the traits, actions or inactions you are judging in yourself or your past choices so you can appreciate yourself fully.
Check out this post for what quality questions to ask yourself to resolve any judgement. No more hiding.
No more holding yourself back. Time to level up leader.
Nature provides such a balance to make all living things grow. This is the nature of the predator-prey dynamic within all living ecosystems.
Too much prey in the ecosystem and animals become lazy and complacent. Too much predator and animals can be on alert, overdrive which activates the sympathetic nervous system and
can create burnout.
You are part of nature and a part of this dynamic.
You have this in business with mergers and acquisitions (prey) and your competitors (predator). Both predator and prey are required to help you
to grow.
Your challenge (prey) can have come in two forms;
1. Unexpected and ungoverned challenge from the outside (which lead to distress). You have no control over the type, intensity or duration of the challenge. It can come in any form (think illness, family breakdowns, loss of money as some examples).
2. Expected and governed challenge from the inside (which lead to eustress). You have control over this type of challenge and can create it as an inspiring goal to achieve. You choose the form as a bigger vision for yourself and your business.
Creating a bigger vision that drives you every day adds purpose and direction to what you are doing. It attracts more people to you to help you fulfil your big vision.
Your vision overrides any challenges you may face by giving you greater meaning to achieve your outcome.
Don’t die with the music still inside you.
A little wisdom from Abraham Lincoln, “I’m not bound to win, I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, I am bound to live up to the light within me.” Awaken what is deep within you and take the steps towards achieving it.
You would have noticed by now your business is a direct reflection of you. The more you grow, the more your team and those you lead grow too.
You show them how to continue to level up, month in, month out, year in, year out. And some of your inspiration for growth will rub off on them.
Imagine embracing and living this philosophy, “your external results are a reflection of your internal thoughts” when it comes to your inspiration, income and impact. What a difference it could make with an inner world paradigm shift.
Get your butt on the growth train and watch out world. You’re a force to be reckoned with.
Hi there, I’m Tanya Cross, founder at Maximum Growth. If you’re a leader of a start-up OR solopreneur, an established biz, I’m willing to bet I can teach you a thing or two about increasing your impact – seriously, click here to check out our catalogue of online courses…
And if you’re looking for more of a hands on experience, we’ve got your back. With over a decade of experience, whether it’s a leadership or mindset,
you’ll learn the foundation to mindset to overcome any challenge and get to what’s really important (a.k.a your business and your life)!
Skyrocket from nothing to humming or successful to showstopper. We’ve got timeless tools that’ll uncap your potential. Get more clients, more attention and, yes, more moolah.
Become unshakeable in your certainty to handle whatever challenges are thrown at you and your business. Know you’re able to tackle any challenge that comes your way.
Learn how to wrap your business around your life, rather than your life around your business. Have the freedom and the finances to live the life you love.
What could you achieve? What would you no longer have to do?
Some examples:
Heads up: You don’t need to imagine. That leverage exists. You can even get your hands on it and head in right now, if you want.
-Kate Moloney
Business Membership
-Jason Cook
Financial Advisor,
Mindset Membership
-Alex Perez
Coaches Membership
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We’ll help you turn it into life-changing income, influence and impact.
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Can’t seem to grow your impact or income past a certain point? Learn how with 3 easy-to-do, business-growing, money flowing, and life-affirming steps. (Buckle your seatbelt, you’re about to be whipped into a storm of inspired action.)
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