I had a question this week that I thought was important to answer.
We had someone new to The Demartini Method come into our world for our recent Transformation Day.
She was mind-blown that she was able to transform, in under six hours, what the last six months of therapy and other people courses had not.
And she said to me.
“I am super curious… I want to know how it works…”
So here is the answer {Name}.
Whenever something is on the outside we perceive it with our senses and we filter it through our psychology through different lenses.
- Values
- Voids
- Beliefs
- Social Norms
- Language
- Past experiences (ie exaggerated or minimised memories)
Through this we assign a meaning to the experience.
All this together creates what’s called a ratio of perception or really the ratio of misperception.
What is the ratio of perception?
The ratio is just how many positives to negatives or negatives to positives we are consciously aware of.
Positive > negative
Negative > positive
10 positive to 2 negative = 5/1
20 negative to 2 positives= 10/1
This reveals what’s missing in our conscious awareness and what’s hidden in our unconscious.
So what does this mean?
If you label an experience, situation, individual, thing, circumstance, trait, action or inaction positive or good. You will have a ratio of perceptions that is more positive than negative.
Consciously you are aware of more upsides than downsides. This can range from a 2 to 1 ratio, all the way to the extreme. Infinity over 1 or being conscious of ONLY upside and NO downsides.
The greater the separation of positive to negative, the more positive or elated the emotions, thoughts and language we speak.
But it doesn’t mean that the downsides are not there, you are we’re unconscious of them.
If you label an experience, situation, person, thing, circumstance, trait, action or inaction negative or bad.
You will have a ratio of perceptions that is more negative than positive.
Consciously you are aware of more downsides than upsides. This can range from a 2 to 1 ratio, all the way to the extreme. Infinity over 1 or being conscious of ONLY downsides and NO upsides.
In this case, it doesn’t mean the upsides are not there, you are we’re unconscious of them.
The greater the separation of negative to positive, the more negative or depressed emotions and thoughts we will have, and just like the positive this will be expressed in the extremity of the language we speak.
So what happens when we apply the Demartini Method to an individual, situation, event or thing?
When we apply The Demartini Method, we are shifting the ratio back towards 1 to 1 until we are complete.
We do this by asking specific questions that bring unconscious information into conscious awareness. These questions are designed to elicit specific answers, to shift different dynamics in our psychology.
This process of question and answer shifts the ratio from an imbalance perception, (positive over negative or negative over positive) into a balanced and whole perspective. That has equal positive to negative, benefits to drawbacks, advantages to disadvantages as well as equal quality and quantity
This shifts our psychology (stories, beliefs, associations, thoughts), physiology (emotions), and behaviours. It changes our language and the way we speak about it.
You will see the perfection in the situation. Hidden order will now be revealed.