I’ve been really sad

Life is a series of transformations.


It calls us to honour our truth,  to evolve, and to make the changes that come with it.


My business partner, Justin and I have recently made the decision to part ways, not out of conflict, but out of alignment with what is most authentic for each of us.


His path has led him to be with his family more, and in honouring his values, we both recognise that this transition is the next most perfect step forward for him.


Not all relationships are meant to last forever, and that’s okay.


Growth often requires us to let go, to move beyond what once was in order to step fully into what is in this version of life.


If we cling too tightly to what is familiar, we risk stagnation.


Some people walk with us for a season, while others stay for a lifetime.


The key is knowing when to hold on and when to let go.


This process has felt like stripping away the layers of identity, letting go of who you think you have to be, and embracing who you truly are. And that takes courage.


It demands that you release expectations from the world around you, let go of attachments and entanglements of who you others want you to be, or what you said you were going to do and trust that your path is unfolding perfectly.


This transition has been difficult. I wandered through the streets of Sydney, lost in thought, trying to make sense of the experience. At times, the weight of it all would hit me unexpectedly, bringing tears that felt as raw as the end of a relationship.


The dream of building something together, the vision we shared, and the future I had imagined for myself, suddenly, it all shifted.


I was sad for the vision we wanted to create but I know that if it isn’t happening, it isn’t meant to be.


This shift has been a moment of reflection, a reminder that transformation isn’t about doing more, achieving more, or becoming more.


Justin’s exit has made me realise I, too, need to shed what no longer serves, peeling back the layers of expectation, and return to the essence of who I truly am.


I love mindset work. I love the Demartini Method. I love coaching. 


That’s me. The fire in me to coach is too great for me to stop.


My focus has been business, but my love is mindset. Seeing the personal insights with people and seeing it impact people’s business. It makes my heart burst.


So the form is going to change slightly, the vision is unfolding, but the road is still the same.


What matters most in life is living in alignment with who we truly are.


At Maximum Growth, we value bold action, and Justin has exemplified that by choosing to exit, and be with his family.


Our journey has been about honouring what is true, because it is from that space that everything else flows.


Growth isn’t just about building a business; it’s about deep alignment, about listening to what calls us forward, and having the strength to follow it.


Justin, thank you for stepping into this business, for challenging us to grow, for helping us refine our path, and for ultimately honouring your own.


I look forward to watching your path evolve and seeing where life takes you. I’ll be cheering you on the sidelines.


Thank you for being part of this chapter, for showing up fully, and for all that you have shared.


With love and oodles of gratitude,


Tanya Cross


Leadership Coach & The Coaches Coach

Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator

BAppSoSc (Counselling)

Maximum Growth

Tanya Cross,


My mission is to educate and empower leaders like you in your awareness of yourself and others, in understanding your behaviour and why others behave the way they do and unlock the potential within yourself and those you influence.

In 2020, I launched the Maximum Growth community to make those insights accessible 24/7. (Well, almost 24/7. Still gotta sleep!)

I’m inspired to help you smash growth ceilings and, essentially, grow personally and professionally as a coach.

Private and group coaching available.

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