How Jason Cook Improve Her Training And Coaching Skills


Skyrocket from nothing to humming or successful to showstopper. We’ve got timeless tools that’ll uncap your potential. Get more clients, more attention and, yes, more moolah.


Become unshakeable in your certainty to handle whatever challenges are thrown at you and your business. Make them wonder, “how the hell do you stay so centered?”


Learn how to wrap your business around your life, rather than your life around your business. Have the freedom and the finances to live the life you love.

Teaching Woman


Hi my name is Jason Cook, I’m a financial planner, based in Melbourne, Victoria married with a daughter, and I was inspired to join the maximum growth programme, having young studying the work of john demartini and his wisdom since 2009. I did continue studying the work after a couple of breakthrough experience programmes, but with what’s being offered now through, through Tanya was able to actually get a more tailored find that nice balance between the individual coaching or leading a group session to level up by the very powerful work, but the biggest transformation I was able to show through the sessions was in October last year when I in 1992, I was in an event where I was actually attacked by a gang and a Melbourne streetlight at night, which left me hospitalised and traumatised emotionally for a very long time and even though the physical wounds healed for 28 years I carried a very high emotional charge. Following that event, literally in one hour last night in October working your tenure in applied the demartini method very specifically. I was generally able to have an open hearted moment to find the benefits of everything, and literally collapse, dissolve literally every high emotional charge ahead on that night, stand up and see the benefit not just the benefits but the individual’s perfection in that moment. And from that normal dog actually had had nothing but I balanced experience might have been one of the benefits of starting the programme no doubt would be to move for quite a long time ago was to move forward, you need to be a future you need to play your past so anything that’s holding you back in any part of your life, literally can be collapsed broken down for you to move forward, using the techniques that Tony will have upon utilising the Bmlt method. If you are considering doing the programme I cannot recommend it highly enough, and we’re fully committed to anyone. For any part of your laws, people provide the absolute.

Jason’s Journey

“I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and I’m now able to able to focus on my highest priorities. If you are considering joining the membership, I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

-Jason Cook

Financial Advisor, Starter Membership

Leadership Growth Results




I have the ability to ask myself quality questions and shift my perceptions and emotions which helps me focus on creating financial freedom.
Kate Moloney

-Kate Moloney

Starter Membership



I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and I’m now able to able to focus on my highest priorities. If you are considering joining the membership, I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Jason Cook

-Jason Cook

Starter Membership



Tanya helped me to see my vision from a new perspective where I can acknowledge where I’m already living it and it doesn’t feel distant.
Alex Perez

-Alex Perez

Business Membership

Imagine Leveraging The Power Of Boss Level Seminars, Coaching And Masterminds On Your Dreams… All at once

What could you achieve? What would you no longer have to do?

Some examples:

  • YES to clients who go bonkers to book you
  • YES to a bank balance that makes you smile like a toddler with a triple scoop gelato
  • YES to sharing your message with people with confidence who love you and your wisdom
  • YES to handling stress so well you look 10 years younger
  • YES to booting burn-out forever, no more hustling,
    more inspiration

Heads up: You don’t need to imagine. That leverage exists. You can even get your hands on it and head in right now, if you want.


  • Bust through baggage you’ve carried for decades
  • Apply skills you already have for bigger paydays
  • Reach captain of industry status
  • Grow from no idea to full-time client bookings in 10 months (that was one member’s story. You might be faster)
  • Hone your coaching/consulting craft to ‘mind-reader’ status
  • Smash through revenue and income ceilings
  • Reconnect you with your inspiration when it wavers
  • Attract national speaking, publishing and publicity gigs
  • And tonnes of other ‘bonus’ side effects like deeper partner intimacy, connected communication, peak performance, public respect, stellar reputation, expanded health, greater vitality, unshakeable self-worth…

Hell Yes. I’M In. So,

Where do I  start?

You have a choice between 2 Memberships
Pick your purpose for joining and let’s get you started.

Mindset Membership


Become the captain of your inner world & handle chaos with certainty.

Own the influence, income and inspiration of global leaders… or a local mover-and-shaker you admire.

Level up by using constraint-crushing questions from the Demartini Method to bust your limiting perceptions or completely (and permanently) dissolve highly-charged dynamics.

Perfect for shifting your inner world, deepening your awareness and expanding your self-knowledge to maximise your results


Mindset Evolution Membership

  • 4 hours of coaching each month (1 every Wednesday)
  • On-tap micro courses.
  • NO drip-fed, forced curriculum (dip in at any chapter, as you need)
  • 3 community Do The Work spaces for you to come in, connect and become apart of a growth driven community,
  • Playsheets, planners and resources for applying the tools easily, quickly and correctly
  • Additional support videos to decode emotional dynamics and human behaviour
  • Additional support classes to maximise your success.

Maximum Growth Academy


Smash all the limits on your income and impact potential.
(Yes, all of them.)

Build business like a boss and break through income ceilings, attract more clients, attract higher quality clients, beat burnout, scale up, charge more (and have people pay your fees) and love your work.

You’ll get questions and guides to do it all while hitting peak performance, productivity and – perhaps most importantly – living your purpose.

You’ll get templates, checklists, guides and plenty of Q&A time to slot each piece into place as you level up in your business.


Maximum Growth Academy

  • Up to 15 hours of group training and coaching each month (3 every Wednesday)
  • Onboard and Onramp with us, to get your moving at speed, then we have a NO drip-fed, forced curriculum. We will guide you to what you need next for you next most purposeful actions. 
  • Playsheets, planners and resources for applying the tools easily, quickly and correctly
  • Additional support videos to decode emotional dynamics and human behaviour
  • Additional support classes to maximise your success.
  • 4 Momentum Calls each week for you to attend and get guidance from Tanya and Justin. 
  • Specific coaching business growth focus (streamlines results by harnessing the group’s genius together)
  • 50+ hyper-specific mindset, business and leadership trainings to outgrow your current dynamics and spur growth. (Just plug-and-play for your current challenge)
  • Exclusive Business & Financial checklists, spreadsheets, planners, playsheets and more

What Happens Immediately After You’re In?

Go through your Getting Started Guide when you join. This has everything you need to get settled into class.

Book in your Maximum Momentum Onboarding Call. 

Then, every week/month you’ll get reminders for all your sessions with unique links to join. So you never forget, and you never miss a beat.

Group High Five


In a year’ close’. . .

Every speaker asks that one question: if you just did 1% of [what you just learned] every week, imagine where you’ll be a year from now…

…and then they send you out, blinking into the bright sun.

Like ripping out a sapling while the roots are still forming. No, like tossing a seed into the desert and waiting for rain that may never fall.

Don’t let that happen to you… again.

Maximum Growth has the guidance, growth and get up and go. As long as you show up, we’ll help you grow up the ladder so a year from now you look back and really HAVE levelled up and created the life of your dreams.

To borrow a phrase: the best time to start was yesterday