I Guarantee This Coach

Hi Coach,


When a person is stuck in the trauma of their past, they find it hard to imagine a future for themselves. 


Couple this with the loss of identity – who the hell are you? And not having a sense of self can lead to deep dark depression and even a suicidal state of mind.


I want to explore with you later, the suicidal thoughts. 


Now, this might not be you now, but I hope that this information is stored in your mind for if you fall into the darkness, or you are working with a client who is. And, if this is you right now, reading this, you have come to the perfect place for the perfect message.  


For some people, their struggle is with choices they make that do not seem to align with who they wish to be. 


Some struggle with regrets of the past. Some do not love the skin they are in. 


The struggle is real. 


Some people grappled with a sense of stagnation. It’s like their identity is rooted in the past, and they can’t seem to move forward. 


Time becomes this eternal loop. Stuck in the past. No conscious perception of a brighter future.


When a problem arises, it feels like a replication of a past problem. Over and over again, unable to envision a viable escape, this is when people can think about committing suicide. 


Instead of dealing with the mayhem in their memories, they push them away.


It takes courage to review your life, face things that are painful, and ask quality questions to appreciate the choices you made under challenging circumstances.


Yes, it is so difficult to face yourself. 


But what do you do when you are having thoughts of ending your life?


Do this one thing immediately. 


  • Change any “you” statements to “we” to give you a greater sense of belonging.


When you belong, you feel connected to communication, and that people care, you feel less isolated and alone, and can build connections that make you want to stay there. 


The next is to tell you that it will get better – but that means nothing to you, and, in fact, is only selling you an illusion of a bright and sparkly future, which you are rejecting anyway. 


Instead – I am going to get real with you. 


Life is hard.


Life is a struggle.


It is difficult. 


But your struggle is what makes you beautiful. 


You have the choice to perceive things through a different lens. 


Because a little wisdom in the confusion of Confucius (hehe) is the greatest gift in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  


At Maximum Growth, week in, and week out, we share tools for you to be able to shift the lens to get up and find the light. 


Come join us for our weekly Demartini Method Classes in our Mindset Evolution Membership, or join the Business Growth Membership to create an aligned business (do business your way baby).


We show up each and every week to class, throughout the year. 


Make 2024 the best year yet!


With love and oodles of life,


Tanya “Coach” Cross

Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator

BAppSoSc (Counselling)

Maximum Growth


Tanya Cross,


My mission is to educate and empower leaders like you in your awareness of yourself and others, in understanding your behaviour and why others behave the way they do and unlock the potential within yourself and those you influence.

In 2020, I launched the Maximum Growth community to make those insights accessible 24/7. (Well, almost 24/7. Still gotta sleep!)

I’m inspired to help you smash growth ceilings and, essentially, grow personally and professionally as a coach.

Private and group coaching available.

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