Picture this.
A little kids whines “I’m bored”.
Almost instinctively parent A jumps in to alleviate it.
“Go do x, x or z”.
It’s like we’re wired to give an instant solution.
It’s so tempting to fill kids up with moment by moment activities, thinking we’re helping them – and helping our own sanity.
But maybe. Just maybe we could lean into being bored.
Ever wonder what would happen if we just let them (or yourself) be bored sometimes?
Like, would it impact how they grow and learn?
What difference would it make as an adult to be bored?
As I’m writing this I’m scratching my head to think of the last time I was bored. 🤔
Never a business owner.
Definitely not as a single mum.
Our days are full of activities and we need quiet time.
We need that space to let our minds wander, to explore.
Kids need it too.
Boredom can actually teach kids that they can play independently, to figure things out on their own.
As adults we can learn so much in the boredom .
What’s also interesting is that if we think about what we value then allowing space in our mind to hear the content of your mind, you get to know yourself more.
Rather than having content being filled in the mind, you get to explore the content of the mind.
What if you wanted to learn more about yourself and what was truly important.
Be bored.
Study the content of your mind.
There is no need to feel guilty about being bored.
It serves a purpose.
To learn about yourself.
Use it as an opportunity to really understand yourself and what you value most.
We’ve just finished our values class from our Voids Values Vision training.
If you’re keen to join us to create an inspiring and congruent vision statement now is the perfect time.
With love and sprinkles of boredom,
Tanya x
Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator
BAppSoSc (Counselling)