It only takes 5 powerful days to transform: Human Illusions to Divine Truth


Heading off on a plane in a few hours for the Power Walkshop to spend 5 days walking with people to have their purpose revealed to them. 


This program means so much to me.

It feels like something that has come together from all the work I have done throughout my life to share something unique that you can’t find anywhere else. 


It was Søren Kierkegaard, an American writer and poet, who said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”


It leads me to wonder. . .


The timing for the classes in Maximum Growth leading up to the Power Walkshop couldn’t have been any more perfect for me. With a new phase in business (if you missed that – you can read it here Business Growth Membership), plus my body having some physical challenges, and my newfound clarity with my cause and philosophy, I’d love to share, I am interested in seeing what will be shared with me.


Do you ever feel like this sometimes, when you know you are on the border of something big happening – you feel it in your bones? 


I was asked this week how the Power Walkshop come to fruition. 


It is a perfect time to share the evolution with you. 


In what feels like a previous life, I was a nurse and a personal trainer.  In the last 14 years, I have studied intuition, became a Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator, and attended over 120 of Dr John Demartini’s Courses. 

I never set out to write my own program. It just happened one day. 


It was like a feeling coming over me, an idea percolating, waiting to be shared. 


When I was attending Empyeance a few years ago with Dr Demartini, there was a section on rituals that triggered my thoughts – and it all unfolded before me. 


I was reading this section when an idea sparked.


There are three initiations one must undergo to become a master and to transform human illusions into divine truth.


  1. The mastery of humbleness
  2. The mastery of will
  3. The mastery of power


Those seeking healing would prepare for a night of dreaming by inviting a visitation of divine presence and purpose into their lives.


It was reading this passage that I thought – what if I created lessons, as a ritual for people to go through these three initiations to become a master and to transform their human illusions into divine truth – their divine purpose? 


Maybe the sequence of rituals or lessons, and the days, built on each other would help people to connect to the meaningful and the mystical, while the overall experience has the influence to reveal their purpose. 


And with that idea, I sat down with a blank document open, and I experienced what I would call ‘inspired writing’ that came through me. (I get goosebumps thinking about it). 


Five days: The Power of Presence, The Power of the Mind, The Power of the Body, The Power of Nature and The Power of the YOUniverse.


And just like that, 33 lessons, it was complete. 


I had finished writing when one of my closest friends was keen to catch up. And most of my friends’ catch-up revolve around some kind of physical activity. 


We were walking around Sydney Harbour on a gorgeous day when we walked past a park. We were talking about the idea of her having a baby. 


As we turned the corner, on the ground, just up ahead was a little brown doll’s shoe.

My friend picks it up, and we both look at each other. Is this a sign? Maybe?


We continued walking, and as we continued to walk, a mother with a young daughter was walking towards us. The girl had a doll in her arms. With a missing shoe. 


The girl was delighted to have the shoe back on her doll’s foot, a Cinderella moment right there. 


I could feel the disappointment of my friend. 


Doing what we do well, we realised what that did mean – to give the shoe back again. 


I recalled how I felt about being a Mum to Bonnie with a little wisdom from Kahlil Gibran 


Your children are not your children.

 They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

 They come through you but not from you,

 And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.


If we knew then what would happen, wow!


She, within a few months, fell pregnant. 


But unfortunately lost the baby. She was able to feel that the baby was hers for a moment and that she was able to give it a little taste of life, and her love. To return if and when it’s ready. 


Does the Power Walkshop prophecy your future? No. 


There is something mystical that happens while you walk. Traversing the ritual path of the Power Walkshop, which is open to all, young and old, male and female, will have you experiencing life on a new level. 


I believe that we all have a unique purpose and a reason for being here and that sometimes we just need a little guidance and external spiritual support to help reveal it.


My journey has taught me that when we align with our purpose, life becomes more meaningful and fulfilling. That is why I created this program, and I hope one day you come and walk the path together. 


Buen Camino, 


Tanya x

Leadership Coach & Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator

BAppSoSc (Counselling)

Maximum Growth 


P.S. If you need more of a hand with gaining clarity on your values and vision while being true to yourself in the process.

Then join our Business Growth Membership – Where we are currently working on this! 

P.P.S. I’m offline all next week – if you show up to class, Dr Erika Yeates and Justin Wiseman will be presenting class this week. 

Tanya Cross,


My mission is to educate and empower leaders like you in your awareness of yourself and others, in understanding your behaviour and why others behave the way they do and unlock the potential within yourself and those you influence.

In 2020, I launched the Maximum Growth community to make those insights accessible 24/7. (Well, almost 24/7. Still gotta sleep!)

I’m inspired to help you smash growth ceilings and, essentially, grow personally and professionally as a coach.

Private and group coaching available.

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