Understanding Human Behavior: The Power of Multiple Determinants

Understanding human behavior is fascinating.    When you go down the rabbit hole of the mind and people, you’ll find that there is a myriad of factors that influence it.    There is one principle in psychology that I wanted to share with you that might help you to understand yourself a little more.   […]

The silent business killer

This one is for the business owners and entrepreneurs of the group. But if you’re not one don’t be phased… There is some juice in this for you too Because this game-changing principle Is applicable to all relationships Fair exchange. I know, I know you have heard it before. But, It runs deeper than you […]

My Wisdom came at a cost.

My wisdom came at a cost.   I’ve been through:   + parents divorcing  + not seeing my biological mother for most of my pre-teen & teen years  + all kinds of unwanted sexual experiences + divorce  + physical and mental abuse in a relationship  + eating disorders  + suicide attempts  + panic attacks  + […]

Everything around you was once an idea.

Wrap your mind around this… Everything around you was once an idea. Imagined in the mind’s eye of someone else. Or even imagined and created by you. Your phone, Your car, Your bed, The clothes you’re wearing, The home you live in… Even more powerfully, the life you are living. I remember when this hit […]

Unlocking Growth and Impact: In the most unusual way

  Tick. Another Power Walkshop is complete. This event is a new paradigm of living. It’s likened to the Saturday Evening of the Breakthrough Experience.  Now, if you haven’t been, it is like a love fest, the experiences you’ve had, all have meaning. There is a deeply rich connection to the pains, the pleasures, the […]

If you aren’t using the Stockdale Paradox, it’s costing you!

The Stockdale Paradox: Retain absolute faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of difficulties… and at the same time confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.   I am going to keep it as sharp as a Samurai Sword and as punchy as an angry Kangaroo. (3-minute […]

5 Signs You’re Depressed (and ignoring it)

“Every morning, I wake up and just know that today is going to be just as hard as yesterday. And I’m convinced that tomorrow will not be any different than today. Is this what depression feels like? Because if it is, I’m depressed.” – Client A.   It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.   Yep. […]

Do you act like this in your relationship?

I received a call from someone on Monday. Their relationship was breaking down.    It made me wonder why some are more turbulent than others. Why do some people melt down around relationships, and others can find their sense of identity and self if the relationship lasts or if it doesn’t?    We all have […]

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