
I wanted to touch on a mistake that I have seen experienced and brand new coaches and facilitators do when it comes to choosing who they want to work with.


Picking their niche.


They make the decision to stay in indecision.


And truth be told.


I was exactly the same.


I thought that choosing a niche didn’t really matter. That as long as I was going to market, producing content around a problem I would get clients.


And to some degree it worked. I got clients, I helped people and I got results.


But what I had failed to understand was this.


That speaking about problems without the context of an individuals life or identity, didn’t have people in my audience saying “hey he understands my problems, better than I do.”


They thought “wow, that makes sense”


Then went on with their day.


And the cost of this.


People overlooking me as the expert to help them,

Content that didn’t really connect to them, just wows them.


An empty inbox, DMs or calender, because people just didn’t quite see you as the go to coach for them.


Now don’t get me wrong


I was still able to build a coaching business like this,


But it was harder than it had to be.


Spent way to much time in my DMs talking to people to get them to book a call,


Then had to grind on my sales calls to get people to believe that I could help them,


Its was just way harder than it had to be, just to get it to work.


Its like having a heap of go fast bits for a car,


Putting them on the car,


Then never getting it tuned,


They work,


But the car and the parts never perform up to their latent potential.


Your sales, marketing and coaching is exactly the same.


They are the go fast bits,


That without a niche decided on,


They just aren’t used, tuned and leveraged to their full potential.


And so if you want to make sure your marketing, sales and delivery and results are tuned up and filling your DMs, booking calender and referrals up with more leads than you currently have.


It maybe time to make a decision to get out of your own way and choose a Niche.



What am I fearful of, if I were to niche?


What beliefs do I have about niching that are possibly not true?


Until next week,

Keep Smashing Growth Ceilings,

Justin Wiseman

Tanya Cross,


My mission is to educate and empower leaders like you in your awareness of yourself and others, in understanding your behaviour and why others behave the way they do and unlock the potential within yourself and those you influence.

In 2020, I launched the Maximum Growth community to make those insights accessible 24/7. (Well, almost 24/7. Still gotta sleep!)

I’m inspired to help you smash growth ceilings and, essentially, grow personally and professionally as a coach.

Private and group coaching available.

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