Your Hidden Relationship Pattern

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, there lived a woman named Sarah. She was vibrant and intelligent and valued her relationships.    Yet, Sarah had a way of approaching relationships that often left her feeling lost and unfulfilled.   Sarah was the kind of person who believed that her happiness hinged on […]

Navigating Survival Mode: The Mental and Emotional Burden on Money and Business

In the journey of life, we all face moments when we find ourselves in survival mode.   Maybe because there isn’t a steady stream of work, you’re financially under pressure, or you are on the verge of a relationship breakdown.   These challenging times can be emotionally and mentally draining, often casting a shadow on […]

The Breakthrough Experience: Lessons Learned from The Breakthrough Experience

Last weekend I embarked on a whirlwind adventure, spanning 31 hours of travel, to immerse myself in the transformative The Breakthrough Experience with Dr. John Demartini.   You might be wondering, “Why go to such lengths for just 22 hours in a room?”   Well, as they say, sometimes you have to go the extra […]

Relationships Unveiled Part 4 of 4: Navigating the Labyrinth of Workplace Relationships

The workplace, with its intricate web of professional relationships, is a microcosm of human interactions. Just as children reflect our inner landscapes, siblings uncover our unresolved past, and intimate partners reveal our shadow selves, colleagues and superiors in the workplace bring forth their own unique dynamics.   This is our last week of exploring the […]

Relationships Unveiled Part 3 of 4: The Power of Sibling Relationships

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of sibling relationships, drawing inspiration from both psychology and philosophy to provide valuable insights for coaches who seek to understand their clients facing challenges in work and home life.   When I reflected on the Relationships Unveiled series and thought about the niches coaches go into, it was interesting […]

I Can’t Believe This Happened

Have you ever sat down to do ‘the work’ but then…   Oh, you forgot your water.    Off you go to fill up your bottle.     Back at your Demartini Method form, you start thinking about what you want to work on.    A colleague? A friend? A leader?…’   Your phone beeps with […]

The Unveiling Truth: Gossip, Reflection, and Coaching

In the world of coaching, we often find ourselves peeling back the layers of our clients’ lives, seeking to uncover the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.    But what about the stories that swirl around a client, or even yourself?    People love talking about other people.  Especially when they put them in a […]

Which Pattern Are You?

During our recent Mindset Class, one of our members shared a common challenge they faced with a business partner. They considered their partners exceptional, particularly in sales, while they excelled in handling the systems and processes.    This situation is a familiar occurrence in business partnerships – we often believe that our collaborator possesses the […]

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